Custom CSS Generator for Magistream Profile pages

Welcome to the Custom Profile CSS generator for Magistream profiles!

There are a few things to note in order to make the best use of this tool:

Alright, now back to the good part!

Whole page background

Background image for the whole page: (image's URL, leave empty for no image)
Repeat background image?
Only once from top to bottom
Only once from left to right
Make background image scroll with the page or always stay glued to its position?
Background colour for the whole page:
Make it transparent:

Wrap area

Background image for the wrap area: (image's URL, leave empty for no image)
Repeat wrap area background image?
Only once from top to bottom
Only once from left to right
Background colour for the wrap area:
Make it transparent:
Round wrap area's corners?
Yes, a little
Yes, a lot
Make a border on the wrap area?
Yes, Thickness: Colour: Style:


Note that in order to work like the default Magistream header image your header image needs to be 850 pixels wide and 250 pixels tall and it's good to have the words "Forum" "Shops" "Trades" "The Keep" "World" and "Donate" at approximately the same position as in the default header link bar. [Tutorial]

Background image for the header: (image's URL, leave empty for no image)
Use default magistream header image:
Background colour for the header area:
Make it transparent:
Round header area's corners?
Yes, a little
Yes, a lot
Make a border on the header area?
Yes, Thickness: Colour: Style:

Navigation panels

This section will affect both the top navigation section and the bottom navigation section.

Background image for the navigation panels: (image's URL, leave empty for no image)
Repeat navigation panel background image?
Only once from top to bottom
Only once from left to right
Background colour for the navigation panels:
Make it transparent:
Round navigation panels' corners?
Yes, a little
Yes, a lot
Make a border on the navigation panels?
Yes, Thickness: Colour: Style:

Avatar panel and content panels

This section will affect both the avatar panel and the other content (contact, statistics, about me and signature) panels.

Background image for the content panels: (image's URL, leave empty for no image)
Repeat content panel background image?
Only once from top to bottom
Only once from left to right
Background colour for the content panels:
Make it transparent:
Round content panels' corners?
Yes, a little
Yes, a lot
Make a border on the content panels?
Yes, Thickness: Colour: Style:


Here you can define e.g. the spoiler appearance, spoiler button appearance, quotes, links etc.

Background colour for the opened spoiler:
Make it transparent:
Round spoiler corners?
Yes, a little
Yes, a lot
Make a border on the spoiler area?
Yes, Thickness: Colour: Style:
Background colour for the spoiler button:
Make it transparent:
Text colour for the spoiler button:
Text colour for the spoiler button when the mouse is hovered over it:
Round spoiler button corners?
Yes, a little
Yes, a lot
Make a border on the spoiler button?
Yes, Thickness: Colour: Style:
Round quote corners?
Yes, a little
Yes, a lot
Round code box corners?
Yes, a little
Yes, a lot
Link colour:
Link colour when mouse is hovering over:
Visited link colour:
Font colour (for most of the page):
Content heading colour:
Profile heading colour: