Custom CSS Generator for Magistream Profile pages
Welcome to the Custom Profile CSS generator for Magistream profiles!
There are a few things to note in order to make the best use of this tool:
- If you use your own header image make sure it's 850 pixels wide and 250 pixels tall to make it display well. Here's a tutorial showing how to do your own header image: [link]
- This tool uses javascript to pick colours so check that it's enabled on your browser. If you have javascript turned off you'll need to manually enter the hex value (e.g., 000000 for black or FFFFFF for white) into the colour fields. If you want to add them manually here are a couple of charts showing the hex values of colours: W3School's colour chart and another colour chart
- Any fields that asks you to enter a colour will bring up a small window for picking a colour as you click on the field. You can also enter the colour's hex value manually and the field's background colour will change to represent the chosen colour
- You can leave fields empty if you wish, a default setting will then be used
- Please note that this will generate a very basic Magistream Profile CSS, nothing fancy or complicated
- If you are unsure of what is meant with "whole page" or "wrap area", check this image: [image] for reference
- If you encounter any errors with the CSS generator, send a PM to Rosehill on Magistream
- A small mention of the code being generated will appear on the bottom of the page. Please do not remove that unless you heavily modify the code after generating it with the generator
- This tool is meant for anyone to use freely. You are allowed to make CSSs by request with this but please do not ask for any kind of payment.
Alright, now back to the good part!