Eggsitter code cleaning
Tired of cleaning up bunches of eggsittable creatures of adults, frozen and such? No worries, this tool is here to help! Just enter the codes and this tool will remove adults, frozens, hidden creatures, protected creatures, in-trade creatures and released creatures! The tool will also remove any duplicate codes leaving you only with the creatures that benefit from the clicks. You can also get the codes in URL, HTML, and plain number form for easy entering to Twitter or spreadsheets etc.
Please note that the cleaner can handle about 200 codes at a time. Entering more at once may make the cleaner crash.
- If you only want to get codes for eggs, select the "Show only egg codes" checkbox
- If you only want to get hatchling codes, select the "Show only hatchling codes" checkbox
- If you want both the egg codes and the hatchling codes displayed but each separately, select the "Show eggs and hatchlings separately" checkbox
- If you want the codes ready within spoilers, select the "Spoiler'm for me!" checkbox. With that option all you need to do is post what you get here to the clicking threads. Please note that spoilering is only available for BBCodes, i.e. those that you can post on magistream threads
- If you want to see URLs or HTML codes or just the creature numbers select the "Show also URLs, HTML and plain numbers" checkbox
- If you get the ready spoilered codes from here you can also enter them back here the way you got them if you need to reclean them. You don't need to remove the spoiler codes
- If you have a lot of creatures to be checked getting each one's code might get tedious so you can go to the tab on your Keep then view page source (ctrl+u on Firefox, Opera, and Chrome on PCs) and copy and paste that to the "Post codes here" box.